Monday, April 23, 2012

Catcher in the Rye: Allie's Baseball Glove

In many ways, I feel like I can relate to Holden. Thing is though, I don't think I've ever experienced death the way he has.

You can tell Allie was a person very near and dear to Holden's heart, and it's funny in a bit of a sad way how the only way he can really talk about it is through that kind of detached, unemotional commentary he talks in throughout the book so far. Like "yeah, I kinda broke all the windows in the garage, pretty stupid huh." He really does care. Now, is this the reason he gets annoyed by everyone and everything? That's a little harder to say.

Anyway, yeah, I've never really experienced grief in that big way. I've had a lot of pets die, and sometimes that can be tough (especially when you accidentally kill them yourself, jeez) but nothing can really compare to losing a sibling, especially when you seem close like it seems like Allie and Holden were. You shouldn't even try to compare, it's kind if a sacred thing. You know, like I shouldn't even get to talk about it.

One thing I definitely relate to, though, is Holden's choice of the baseball glove over writing about a room or something. When you're writing, even if it is for school, you wanna write about something you feel invested in or something that interests you, and it's good to have teachers that get that too. Of course, if you keep writing something different every time and it just gets pretentious or preachy, you're trying too hard.

1 comment:

  1. Someone who I'm close to in my family are my parents. If I lost my parents I would feel sad. If this happened to me I would cry.
