Monday, April 23, 2012

Catcher in the Rye: Ernest Morrow's Mother

Alright, so obviously he shoots the around with Ernest's mom on the train. You know, he's never gonna see her again, never gonna see Ernest again either. So why not? S'better than talking about how much of a jerk Ernest is, or even worse, just sitting there with nothing to talk about. It's more fun, anyway. I hate to try and out myself on the same level as Holden, but I do the same thing. If it's people you rarely see, if it's people you'll never see again, what's stopping you from shooting the crap?

Tech conference last thursday: Interviewed by the paper, you gotta make what you're doing seem cutting edge, larger than life. Started talking about "real-time animation" and "built in physics engine", both things which pretty much mean nothing as they're built in to the original program we use. But if it sounds good and it gets you in the paper, why not? One of my favorite times was going parasailing with these two girls down in florida, told them I was from Nebraska and this was my first time ever off the farm.

Anyway. I'm kind of having way too hard of a time finding a bit where he shoots the crap with us. I think it's because I trust him way too much, which probably isn't good when you're reading this book. I think the parts where he over-exaggerates the most are the parts when he talks about Jane. Seems like he wants there to be a lot more romantic tension there when there really wasn't much. Least not on Jane's part, anyway. I think half of it's just to reassure himself that she definitely did not get with Stradlater, you know? Like she's too good for that, or he knows her really well and she'd never do something like that, or something like that.

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